This is my first time attending BlogHer and I could not be more excited. I am thrilled to be able to meet some of my blogging besties face to face. I am delighted to connect in person with fantastic companies and PR people that I have only ever worked with through emails and telephone calls. I am also tickled pink about having the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends that are a part of this wonderful community.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Heading to NYC for #BlogHer12
This is my first time attending BlogHer and I could not be more excited. I am thrilled to be able to meet some of my blogging besties face to face. I am delighted to connect in person with fantastic companies and PR people that I have only ever worked with through emails and telephone calls. I am also tickled pink about having the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends that are a part of this wonderful community.
Heading to NYC for #BlogHer12
Laura Grace Andry
#BlogHer12|BlogHer'12|BlogHer12|Conference|New York|New York City|NYC|
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Monday, July 30, 2012
Kitchen Remodel Progress
have to admit that our new kitchen does not need a lot of work. We didn’t have
to get new appliances and the cabinets and granite countertops are in great
shape. In fact there is a lot about my new kitchen that I love.
love my new double oven. Holidays with a big family just got that much easier.
I also love having an island with a range. Even the range is super cool with a
built in air vent that whisks away those not to savory smells. But there are
also some things in my new kitchen that need a little tweaking.
Kitchen Remodel Progress
Laura Grace Andry
Home Decor|Home Decorating|Kitchen|Kitchen Remodel|Kitchen Renovation|Paint|Painting a Kitchen|Style|
Comments (13)

Saturday, July 28, 2012
To clip, print, or code? That is the question…
I love coupons. In fact I rarely leave home on a shopping trip without a coupon in hand. I even attended an “Extreme Couponing” seminar with my sister-in-law last year and was impressed by the time and dedication some people are able to put into the collection and organization of couponing.
I tried the extreme couponing for a couple months. My husband was not happy with the amount of time I spent couponing each week. I cannot say that I blame him. I was spending a couple hours in front of the computer looking for specific coupons and where I could then locate them in my Sunday ads and then I spent even more time clipping said coupons and organizing them for my trip to the grocery store. It was a production of epic proportions.
finally sat back and asked myself “how much is my time worth?” Was I saving
enough money doing this extreme couponing to justify the amount of time and
effort I was putting in? The answer was no. While extreme couponing is not
something I am very good at, I do know people who are phenomenal at it. I am
envious of their ability to coupon so efficiently.
To clip, print, or code? That is the question…
Laura Grace Andry
Clip|code|Coupon Code|coupons|Extreme Couponing|Online Coupons|Print|Print Coupons|
Comments (2)

Painting the town RED... or at least the room.
Painting the town RED... or at least the room.
Laura Grace Andry
Home Renovation|Paint|Painting the room red|RED|Red Wall|
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
A Train-tastic Day!
A Train-tastic Day!
Laura Grace Andry
Blackberry Farm|family friendly activity|Model Trains|Ride a Train|train|Train Display|Train-tastic|
Comments (2)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Wordless Wednesday {with Linky}: It must be a good book.
was watching my little guy play with his toys when he decided all of a sudden
that he no longer wanted to play. Instead he wanted to sit down, relax, and
read a good book.
was able to snap some pictures of him slipping into his reading spot. You can
see him slowly sinking in until he just…. plopped right down. I think he was originally
trying for the first step, but decided it was not worth the effort of aiming
where he was siting.
By the way he is ready one of the Toys Story board books we have {thanks grandma!}. He is a HUGE fan of board books and will spend hours – yes hours- reading.
By the way he is ready one of the Toys Story board books we have {thanks grandma!}. He is a HUGE fan of board books and will spend hours – yes hours- reading.
Wordless Wednesday {with Linky}: It must be a good book.
Laura Grace Andry
#WordlessWednesday|Baby and his book|Linky|Reading|Wordless Wednesday Hop|WordlessWednesday|
Comments (7)

Voluntary recall of the Contours LT Tandem Stroller
As of today July 24, 2012 Kolcraft announced a voluntary recall of the Contours LT Tandem Stroller. Please note that not all Contours strollers are being recalled; only the Contours LT Tandem Stroller with model number ZT012 is part of this recall.
Not sure if your stroller is part of the
recall? You can find your model number on a paper label found on the top, rear
edge of your stroller seat pad or on a sticker on the rear leg of your stroller
While there have been no reported injuries to
date with this product, Kolcraft has noticed that the wheels can crack. This can be a hazard to
children riding in the stroller.
Voluntary recall of the Contours LT Tandem Stroller
Laura Grace Andry
Contours LT Tandem Stroller Recall|Kolcraft Contours|Kolcraft Mom|Safety Notification|Voluntary Recall|
Comments (2)

Monday, July 23, 2012
Sick little monkeys and a barrel full of tasks
Sick little monkeys and a barrel full of tasks
Laura Grace Andry
chores|fever|garage|getting things done with sick kids|Kitchen|Paint|Sick Kids|tasks|
Comments (0)

Friday, July 20, 2012
Making our house a HOME!
If you have been keeping up with Mom Mart, then you know that we have recently sold our old townhouse and bought a new single family house. We scoured the internet and met with our real estate agent {hi Sandy!} to look at homes, and we found a house that was perfect for us.
We wanted a house that had room for our family to grow and that was located near relatives. Our new home is right around the corner from both my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law and her family – this is a good thing. The new house has more than enough space for our family and an unfinished basement to boot {hello nail gun and air compressor!}. I could not be happier.
Making our house a HOME!
Laura Grace Andry
diy|home|Home Decor|Home Remodel|Home Renovations|house|House Remodel|House Renovations|New House|Paint|
Comments (8)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: To Infinity and Beyond!
Wordless Wednesday: To Infinity and Beyond!
Laura Grace Andry
Bullseye|Buzz Lightyear|Evil Dr. Porkchop|Jessie|Lovey|Rex|Slinky|Toy Story|Toy Story Movies|Toy Story Toys|Toys|Woody|
Comments (1)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Getting ready for #BlogHer12 in NY... What to wear?
I am super excited about attending BlogHer12 in New York in a couple weeks. I have my plane tickets, BlogHer12 tickets, and a room to crash in all lined up. I have my new blogger business cards ordered and they should be at my door any day now.
have been invited to some fantastic sounding parties by some great companies and
I have mapped out my agenda for the duration of my trip. I know the Geek Bar
schedule as well as when Martha Stewart is going to be speaking {I love Martha}!
I am even hoping to catch a Broadway show; I hear Harvey is supposed to be
pretty good.
that the itinerary planning part of attending BlogHer12 has been completed I am
ready to start thinking about what I am going to be bringing with me to New
York. What am I going to wear?
Getting ready for #BlogHer12 in NY... What to wear?
Laura Grace Andry
Audrey Hepburn|BlogHer12|Makeover|Microsoft Windows Style Makeover sweepstakes|New York|Style|
Comments (4)

Monday, July 16, 2012
To Los Angeles and Back…
you have been keeping up with me lately you know that my grandma passed away
last week and I have been on the road making my way to LA and back ever since.
Today is the first day that I feel somewhat myself. I have no luggage to pack
or unpack and I am able to finally sit down and take a breath
doing so I thought that I would recap my trip to LA and back for you. This was
my first time ever flying by myself and I was very nervous about it. I feel
that a majority of my trip was spent either on an airplane or hanging out in an
airport looking out a window… but not ALL of it.
To Los Angeles and Back…
Laura Grace Andry
Airplane|Airport|California|Chicago|Funeral|Holy Cross Mortuary|Home Sweet Home|LA|LAX|Lois Gertsch|Los Angeles|Manhattan Beach|O'Hare|Phoenix|
Comments (1)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Wellness Checkup
My little guy is 15 months old now and I cannot
believe how quickly time seems to fly by. We spent the morning this morning at
the doctor’s office for my baby’s 15 month wellness checkup.
The boys played with the chalkboard and the wall of
marbles while we waited for the doctor to arrive. Some measurements and a
couple shots later and we were out the door heading home. My boys are troopers
and although they may cry a little, they recover rather quickly with some
snuggles and hugs.
Wordless Wednesday: Wellness Checkup
Laura Grace Andry
#WW|15 month old|15 Month Wellness checkup|baby|Wellness Checkup|Wordless Wednesday|
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Coping with a curve ball…
has a tendency of throwing curve balls. What you do with those curve balls is
what makes you… you. The months of June and July have been insanely busy for my
family and we have had a couple curve balls thrown our way.
month of June was here and gone in the blink of an eye. I taught Vacation Bible
School, took my nephew for a week of vacation, threw my little sister a
destination bachelorette party, watched my little sister get married, packed up
my entire home in a matter of days, sold my house, bought a new house, and
moved! There were a few hiccups here and there, but everything eventually
sorted itself out. To say that June was a busy month is an understatement.
Once in the new house we unpacked some boxes and set up some furniture; only enough to get the house somewhat livable. Then we hit the road for our annual family July 4th vacation in Wisconsin. The kids had a great time at the beach and loved the water park area even more. This vacation is always fun for everyone. And then life threw us a curve ball.
Coping with a curve ball…
Laura Grace Andry
coping with lifes curve balls|grandma|grandmother|lifes curve balls|Lois Gertsch|passing on|when a relative dies|
Comments (3)

Monday, July 2, 2012
An amazing Ribfest experience with Sears #GrillingIsHappiness #CBias
This year Ribfest started off with a bang. I
was lucky enough to be invited to participate in a pre-Ribfest soirée hosted by
Sears on Friday evening where I was able to meet the people behind
#GrillingIsHappiness and hear all about what goes into making, purchasing, and
marketing the products that I drool over. We discussed grills and outdoor
living products as well as what we could expect at Ribfest the next day. I left the get together with a little swag and a lot of anticipation for the next days festivities!
An amazing Ribfest experience with Sears #GrillingIsHappiness #CBias
Laura Grace Andry
CBias|Chicago|Chicago Annual Events|George Hirsch|Grilling|GrillingIsHappiness|Outdoor|Outdoor Living|Perry Perkin|Ribfest|Robyn Lindars|SEARS|Social Fabric|summer|Ty Pennington|
Comments (4)

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