Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cold Turkey Potty Training

This week we started our cold turkey potty training. (da da dahhh!)

Cold turkey potty training is this: No more diapers.

No, it is not naked potty training – which we tried unsuccessfully. Cold turkey potty training is simple; instead of wearing diapers my son wears big boy underwear. A timer is set for 20-30 minutes. After the timer dings it is time to go sit on the potty. I read a story or two while my child sits on his potty and tries to pee and/or poop. If he goes in the potty he gets M&M treats and a Curious George sticker for his chart and one to wear. After we are done we wash our hands, reset the timer, and continue our regular daily activities until it is time to try again. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tips and Tricks to a Successful Shopping Trip with Children

The number one important thing to consider when shopping with two children is where to put them. If you have a double stroller, I would highly recommend using it. That or babywearing are my go to.  Right now I am limited to where I can take my children shopping based on which stores have large enough carts.

shopping with three children

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Meet & Greet #5 Coupons Are Great

I joined up with a group of awesome bloggers and formed a “Monday Meet & Greet” group.  Each week I will introduce you to a new bloggy friend of mine.  You might find another blogger that you will love to read. You may even make a few new bloggy friends. Each week the featured blogger is chosen at random.
Maybe next week it will be ME!

Week 5’s featured Meet & Greet blogger is:
Leandrea from Coupons Are Great 
Coupons are Great

Sunday, August 28, 2011

No Rules Social Media Monday Blog Hop #8

Join Mom Mart every Monday for a Twitter, Facebook, & Blog Hop!

This social media hop is designed to create more traffic, more followers, and more unique page views for your blog, twitter, and Facebook pages & to help you meet other amazing bloggers.

It is all about sharing and having fun!
While it is not required, it would be appreciated if you could spread the word about the Social Media Monday Hop by grabbing the button for your blog. Feel free to also send out a blog post, a tweet, or share the news on Facebook! After all, the more people that participate, the more blog traffic and potential followers there are.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Fun Pic: Week 16

Yesterday my husband had a work function after work. This meant that I was going it alone all day long without the possibility of parental assistance! This being the case, my goal for the day was to completely wear my children out. I wanted them utterly exhausted and asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Therefore we spent the day outside. As soon as nap time was over we were out the door. We spent the entire afternoon drawing race tracks with chalk. We raced the toy cars on the little track, then created a bigger track for William to race mommy! The only trouble with wanting to wear out my children is that mommy gets worn our too.

my son playing with his toy cars

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Movie Review: Game Time: Tackling the Past

The Premiere of Game Time: Tackling the Past is on
Saturday, September 3, 2011 on NBC at 8pm ET/7pm CT.

Film Synopsis:
Pro football star Jake Walker is living the dream… or so he thinks. The veteran tight end is a fan favorite and on pace to set the all-time receiving yards record that will guarantee him a spot in the Hall of Fame. While working out at training camp, Jake receives an unexpected call from his brother Dean – their father Frank has suffered a major heart attack. Jake immediately leaves practice and returns to Riverton, North Carolina, the small hometown he’s avoided for nearly 15 years. Memories of glory and regret flood his mind as he returns to the family and friends he abandoned in pursuit of his career. Jake dutifully visits with Frank and Dean, but hurt and misunderstanding from the past begins to resurface, leaving him counting the days until he can return to his team.

A second unexpected call, this time from his agent, delivers Jake another crushing blow. His contract is not being renewed amid concerns about his surgically repaired knee. Suddenly, the life Jake knows is over. To avoid the media circus around this news, Jake reluctantly decides to extend his stay in Riverton. Attempting to make the best of the situation, he begins reconnecting with the community that once revered him. Jake is reintroduced to Sarah, his high school sweetheart, and helps Dean take over their father’s high school coaching job.

Surprisingly impacted by the people around him, the real Jake begins to emerge from behind his armor to see that life is much more than the accumulation of personal stats. But when Jake’s offered a lucrative new contract to play for another team, he is forced to decide whether to go back to the career he thought he loved, or stay in Riverton and embrace the people who always believed in him. 

Need new baby gear: Join The Great Trade-In!

I recently wrote a blog post about the lack of recycling opportunities for people wanting to recycle their expired car seats. You can read my post about expired car seats HERE

I contacted my local recycling center about this issue and was told that although they did not take car seats, I could resell or donate my used car seat. When I informed them about the age of my car seat they were unaware that car seats even had an expiration date.

The person I spoke with was extremely nice and offered to look into the possibility of car seat recycling programs at nearby recycling centers. After about two weeks I received a follow up email from my recycling center contact informing me that she had no luck finding anything in Illinois or nearby States. She did however find a program for car seat recycling in Texas!

BabyEarth's RENEW recycling program will disassemble used baby equipment and distribute recyclable parts and pieces to recycling centers. You can mail in your car seat, Strollers, Swings, Jumpers, High Chairs, and Diaper Bags for recycling.

To participate in this program, mail your item to:

RENEW Recycling Program
106 E Old Settlers Blvd. Ste D-100
Round Rock, Texas 78664

I applaud this program! I think it is a great idea and I wish there was something like this in Illinois. Unfortunately, I don’t live in Texas and I cannot begin to imagine the cost of shipping my used car seat across the country. I do not think that I will be participating in this program myself, but it is good to know that is available.

A great alternative for people wanting to recycle their old and expired baby gear is the Babies R Us program, The Great Trade-In. This program is not an ongoing program. It runs for a limited amount of time and is usually highly publicized.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What’s the Buzz: How do you find out about baby gear?

My baby boy

Babies are great! They are beautiful little bundles of joy that come with such incredibly fun stuff!

I have come to terms with the fact that I am obsessed with baby gear. I admit it. I am addicted to all things baby, from the latest and greatest model stroller to the new line of clothing coming out. I love all things baby.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Parents Best All-Around Mom Blog Nominee!

Mom Mart is a Parents Best All-Around Mom Blog Nominee!
Please take the time to vote for me! Just one time! Pretty Please!

All you have to do is click the pink button and it will take you to my vote page.


The voting period ends on 10/15/2011

A day out with THOMAS the Train!

Mom and the boys in front of Thomas the Train

Father and son with Thomas the train

My son loves trains. He absolutely adores them. He likes to build train tracks, take bubble baths with Percy & Salty, and he likes to light up his world with his Thomas the train flashlight. He is all about trains.

My husband thought it would be fun to take our son to the Illinois Railway Museum for a “Day Out With Thomas.”

As soon as we arrive at the park my toddler went on sensory overload! There were trains everywhere you looked. There were all different types of trains to gaze at. He was in complete and total awe.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Meet & Greet #4 Mother of Pearl It Is

I joined up with a group of awesome bloggers and formed a “Monday Meet & Greet” group.  Basically each week I will introduce you to a new bloggy friend of mine.  Who knows! You might find another blogger that you will love to read. You may even make a few new bloggy friends.  Each week the featured blogger is chosen at random.
Maybe next week it will be ME!

Week 4’s featured Meet & Greet blogger is:
Tree from Mother of Pearl It Is

Mother of Pearl It Is

Sunday, August 21, 2011

No Rules Social Media Monday Blog Hop #7

Join Mom Mart Monday for a Twitter, Facebook, & Blog Hop!
This social media hop is designed to create more traffic, more followers, and more unique page views for your blog, twitter, and Facebook pages & to help you meet other amazing bloggers.

It is all about sharing and having fun!
While it is not required, it would be appreciated if you could spread the word about the Social Media Monday Hop by grabbing the button for your blog. Feel free to also send out a blog post, a tweet, or share the news on Facebook! After all, the more people that participate, the more blog traffic and potential followers there are.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Breastfeeding Basics: Must Have Items for Breastfeeding Moms

This blog post is all about breast feeding. Although I like to find humor in life, I do not sugar coat my experiences. I can also be quite frank about what I like and dislike. I do not want to offend anyone, so if you are reading this and find that the topic of breast feeding is too personal, please scroll down to read some of my other posts. Otherwise, I hope you find what I have to say helpful.

my breastfeeding must haves

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Fun Pic: Week 15

Meet Carl. Carl is the name my husband decided to give the little weazel attached to the ball occupying the seat next to my son. This toy is incredibly inexpensive (I think like $5.00) and takes only one AA battery. When turned on the ball rolls around and the weasel rolls with the ball. I guess it is supposed to look like the weasel is alive and chasing the ball. Anyways… My son loves this toy. He asks for me to help him find Carl. He asks for me to turn Carl on. He throws Carl across the room, chases Carl, picks Carl up, and asks “Carl, are you Okay?” In this picture Carl is cuddling with my son. I am thrilled that he does not discriminate when choosing his friends. I can’t wait to see who his next best buddy is going to be.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

If the world were covered in McDonalds Sweet and Sour Sauce… my son would eat it.

I have recently discovered the power of dip. To be more specific, McDonald’s Sweet and Sour Sauce and Portillo’s House Salad Dressing is what really does the trick.

I am sure you have come across someone who is a picky eater at some point in time. If you are truly lucky, the picky eater is not your child. Unfortunately for me, my son is a very picky eater.

I am not talking about my four-month-old who is finally taking a bottle (Hooray!!!!). Nope, I am talking about my two-year-old.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

#ABE2 - A Blogtastic Extravaganza 2.0 Giveaway Event

This Giveaway is now *CLOSED*
The winner of the Mom Mart "Ultimate Diaper Bag" prize package is:
Jeanette Jackson

A Blogtastic Extravaganza 2.0 (ABE 2.0)

This post will remain at the top of my blog for the duration of the A.B.E. 2.0 event.
To read newer posts please scroll down.

Who is ready for a HUGE giveaway event?

A.B.E.  2.0 is a huge giveaway extravaganza involving over 100 elite blogs. Each blog will be hosting a giveaway package worth at least $50. Each blog will have a linky at the bottom of their post so that you can hop from blog to blog entering each one! It will be incredibly easy to enter!

You have from August 17th at 12:00AM EST through August 21st at 11:59PM EST to enter to win all of the “A Blogtastic Extravaganza 2.0” Giveaways.

With over 100 different blogs and over $10,000 in prizes to be won, you do NOT want to miss entering everyone's giveaways!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby's first sleepover...

This last weekend my husband and I hosted our annual Bags Tournament. We invite a bunch of our friends over to have a few drinks, eat a few burgers, and play a few games of Bags (otherwise known as cornhole). This is a double elimination team sport. We encourage our friends to get “Team” t-shirts and get really into the festivities. Because our friends and family that come for this annual event usually have a little too much fun, our little peanuts go and spend the night at Grandma & Grandpa’s house.

This year my in-laws had their hands full; a toddler and a four-month-old! Let me mention that up until this point my infant had only been away from me for a couple of hours at most. Also, during the one occasion that he was under the care of someone else he refused to take a bottle. My poor mother-in-law tried everything! It was a semi-traumatic experience for all involved. I was determined that this overnight was going to go better than the previous babysitting stint. 

crying baby

It was time to prepare… I am a breastfeeding stay at home mama, so I have not had a lot of cause to give my baby a bottle. Unfortunately, if I ever wanted to be able to have someone else help out with my little peanut I would need him to be willing and able to take a bottle. So I started trying to supplement by giving him one bottle a day in the evenings. My firstborn son would take anything and everything; if it was edible he ate it. This was not the case with Steven. This whole bottle taking thing did not start off well.

Monday, August 15, 2011

A.B.E. 2.0 Sponsor Spotlight & Product Review: Lovable Labels

A.B.E. 2.0

Recently I was contacted to do a product review and giveaway for Lovable Labels, a labeling company specializing in personalized stick-on labels, iron-on, bag tags, and shoe labels. I was genuinely excited. To those of you who don’t know me that well I am an organizational neat freak. I love organizing and labeling my life. I try to encourage my children to be organized little neat freaks as well. Here to dreaming, right?

Monday Meet & Greet #3 Freebies & Cheapies/Mia's Musings

I joined up with a group of awesome bloggers and formed a “Monday Meet & Greet” group.  Basically each week I will introduce you to a new bloggy friend of mine.  Perhaps you will find another blogger that you will love to read. You may even make a few new bloggy friends in the process.  Each week the featured blogger is chosen at random from our group of Meet & Greet bloggers. Who knows maybe next week it will be my turn!

Week 3’s featured Meet & Greet blogger is:
Lori from Freebies & Cheapies and Mia's Musings

Sunday, August 14, 2011

No Rules Social Media Monday Blog Hop #6

Join Mom Mart every Monday for a Twitter, Facebook, & Blog Hop!
This social media hop is designed to create more traffic, more followers, and more unique page views for your blog, twitter, and Facebook pages & to help you meet other amazing bloggers.

It is all about sharing and having fun!
While it is not required, it would be appreciated if you could spread the word about the Social Media Monday Hop by grabbing the button for your blog. Feel free to also send out a blog post, a tweet, or share the news on Facebook! After all, the more people that participate, the more blog traffic and potential followers there are.

* Each week I will be spotlighting one participating blog*

The blogger will be chosen via from the list of bloggers participating in the hop.

This Week’s Hop Spotlight is being shined on:
La Dulce Vita – The Sweet Life

Please take a moment to check out Adriana and her fabulous blog.
La Dulce Vita – The Sweet Life is a personal blog that shares the beauty of life through phenomenal photography and inspirational writing.

Here is how you can join:

1. Link up your blog URL (example:
2. Link up your Twitter URL (example:
3. Link up your Facebook Fan Page URL

PLEASE make sure you are placing the correct URL in the correct hop!

Follow as many blogs, Facebook fan pages, and Twitter accounts as you like and when they follow you, follow them back.

Leave a comment on their Blog & Facebook page telling them that you are new followers from the Social Media Monday Hop so they can follow you back

Please remember to return every week as the link list will start over each week. With that being said, the link list will be open from Sunday evening through Monday evening at 11:59pm.

Please only “Like” Facebook fan pages from your personal page as fan likes don’t count towards your total followers.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Fun Pic: Week 14

My son Steven has discovered his hands! He is now grasping toys and bringing them to his mouth. He is Captain Drool right now, and is mesmerized with this new ability. Everything within reach is put into the mouth. If there is nothing on hand, then his hands will have to do. I absolutely adore watching my children discover the world!

Happy Baby

How To Create a Blog Button for FREE

Before I started my blog I had minimal web designing experience. I had taken a couple of web designing and technology classes in college to fill a prerequisite I needed  in order to get my BA in Elementary Education. That being said, html coding is like any foreign language. If you don’t use it, you lose it!

Lately I have had a lot of people ask me about my blog. I have been asked  how I made my buttons, how I made my header, how I started my Social Media Monday Hop, and so on and so forth. So in response to these questions I have decided to start a How To Tutorial series. This series will answer common blogging questions. You ask, I answer. If I don’t know the answer I will try to locate the answer for you.

I am a cheapie. I have a hard time parting with the almighty dollar if I can avoid it. I look for ways in which I can save some green by doing things myself. I enjoy getting my hands a little dirty, be it at home remodeling projects or designing my blog,; I like to try to do things myself.

So without further ado,  my first How To Tutorial.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Five more minutes mom...

Lately everything I ask my toddler to do gets the same response, "five more minutes’ mom." Weather it is a question of what activity we are going to do or where we are planning to go for our daily outing, everything is five more minutes mom.

I know exactly where this came from, me.  I try to give my son a five minute heads up before we switch what we do throughout the day. I do this so that we can avoid major meltdowns when leaving places, especially public places! I warn him before rotating out toys or moving from one activity to the next. This five minute warning system seems to work pretty well. We have not had a major meltdown for a while.

Now William is letting me know what I can do and how long I am able to do it. Five more minutes mommy. I have been informed that I have five more minutes to feed baby Steven, then I have to come play. The really comedic part of this is the fact that it only takes about one minute for him to turn around and tell me “okay, come.”

My son also informs me of his plans for the day and what he wants to do in five minute increments. “Outside, five minutes mom, outside.” Now I am unsure if he is telling me that he wants to go outside IN five minutes or FOR five minutes. Either way, he is definitely asserting himself.

If I was oblivious to the fact that my child is a sponge soaking up everything he hears, I know now.  Apparently he hears me. And apparently he understands… and repeats.

It is time to start seriously monitoring what I say around my son so that he doesn’t repeat mommy’s words at inopportune times and places.

I can just picture my son spilling the beans on private conversations left and right; especially if it gets a laugh. He has become quite a ham.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Product Review and Giveaway: MobiCam Digital DL Monitoring System

This Giveaway is now *CLOSED*
The winner of the Mom Mart MobiCam Digital DL prize package is:
Cathy Wallace

MobiCam Digital DL Monitoring System
I am the mother of two little boys, a two-year-old and a four-month-old. With the addition of our newest bundle of joy, Steven, our family feels like it is growing by leaps and bounds. This might have something to do with the fact that I am a stay at home mom and my children outnumber me. I need all the help I can get keeping an eye on my little peanuts.

Recently the baby monitor that we received as a baby shower gift in 2009 decided that it was no longer going to continue to work. Electronics have been known to dislike me. I have no idea why my electronics dislike me so, but for some reason they tend to act up or completely stop working whenever I use them.

Our old baby monitor was an audio only monitor; so this time around I was in the market for something that had a few more bells and whistles. I wanted an audio/video monitor that would allow me to keep an eye on my kids without constantly having to race up and down the stairs to check on them after every cry and squeak.

Recently I was given the opportunity to review the MobiCam Digital DL Wireless Audio/Video Monitoring System from Mobi Technologies and I have to say that this monitor is fabulous! We are constantly on the move visiting family and friends whenever possible and need baby gear that can keep up with us and our highly mobile family. The MobiCam Digital DL can keep up with our family and then some. The bells and whistles offered with this device are outstanding.

From the minute I took this product out of its packaging I was hooked! It is ridiculously easy to use and the picture is great. The handheld monitor is light and easy to carry around. I mean seriously, it couldn’t get any easier. There is even a belt clip! Sound, no sound, video, no video, and night vision too; the possibilities are endless. I feel super stealthy watching my peanuts sleep peacefully in their beds or bounce around their rooms. What a great gadget!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Potty training William continued...

Bjorn Potty
Here we go again.

I gave the whole naked potty training thing a week. We spent the mornings and the afternoons after nap time naked; by we I mean William was naked, mommy was fully dressed in clothing that could get peed on without me hyperventilating. William successfully peed in the potty several times, hooray! He also peed all over my carpeting, the leg of my chair, his train table, behind the sofa, and on his tunnel.

Let me just say that I am getting really great use out of my carpet cleaner and Clorox wipes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Meet & Greet #2 Happenings of the Harper Household

I joined up with a group of awesome bloggers and formed a “Monday Meet & Greet” group.  Basically each week – for at least the next 20 something weeks – I will introduce you to a new bloggy friend of mine.  Perhaps you will find another blogger that you will love to read. You may even make a few new bloggy friends in the process.  Each week the featured blogger is chosen at random. Who knows maybe next week it will be my turn!

Week 2’s featured Meet & Greet blogger is:
Danielle Harper from Happenings of the Harper Household

Happenings of the Harper Household

Sunday, August 7, 2011

No Rules Social Media Monday Blog Hop #5

Join Mom Mart every Monday for a Twitter, Facebook, & Blog Hop!

This social media hop is designed to create more traffic, more followers, and more unique page views for your blog, twitter, and Facebook pages & to help you meet other amazing bloggers.

It is all about sharing and having fun!
While it is not required, it would be appreciated if you could spread the word about the Social Media Monday Hop by grabbing the button for your blog. Feel free to also send out a blog post, a tweet, or share the news on Facebook! After all, the more people that participate, the more blog traffic and potential followers there are.

* Each week I will be spotlighting one participating blog*

The blogger will be chosen via from the list of bloggers participating in the hop.

Due to technical dificulty the spotlighted blog for this week, Mommy's Online Garage Sale, has been taken down. She is working hard to fix her website and hopes that all will be up and running smoothly again very soon.

Here is how you can join:

1. Link up your blog URL (example:
2. Link up your Twitter URL (example:
3. Link up your Facebook Fan Page URL

PLEASE make sure you are placing the correct URL in the correct hop!

Follow as many blogs, Facebook fan pages, and Twitter accounts as you like and when they follow you, follow them back.

Leave a comment on their Blog & Facebook page telling them that you are new followers from the Social Media Monday Hop so they can follow you back

Please remember to return every week as the link list will start over each week. With that being said, the link list will be open from Sunday evening through Monday evening at 11:59pm.

Please only “Like” Facebook fan pages from your personal page as fan likes don’t count towards your total followers.


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A.B.E. 2.0 Sponsor Spotlight – Boudreaux’s Butt Paste

A.B.E. 2.0

A Blogtastic Extravaganza is right around the corner! I am getting more and more excited about this awesome event! I have some seriously amazing sponsors and who are generously donating fabulous prizes. I was introduced to Boudreaux's Butt Paste® by a friend of mine right after the birth of my first child. I found the name highly entertaining and the product itself extremely effective.

Today’s sponsor spotlight is Boudreaux's Butt Paste®! I have a two-year-old and a four-month-old in diapers and have had my fair share of diaper rash experience. There is nothing worse than a screaming baby with a serious case of diaper rash on their bottom. Unhappy children in pain make for a very unhappy mommy.

Boudreaux's Butt Paste® was specifically formulated by a pharmacist with direction from a respected pediatrician to provide effective diaper rash care. It works. This product quickly soothes my children’s skin and clears up the diaper rash. It goes on smooth and cleans up easily. I especially like the bright and colorful packaging. My oldest child likes to hold onto the tube while I change his diaper, it is how I get him to sit still long enough for a diaper change.
 Boudreaux's Butt Paste

Boudreaux's Butt Paste® is Mom Mart Approved!

Boudreaux's Butt Paste® has been kind enough to donate the following products to the A.B.E. 2.0 “Diaper Bag” prize package!

1- Boudreaux's Butt Paste 4 oz.
1- Boudreaux's Butt Paste All Natural 4 oz.
1- ALL NEW Boudreaux's Butt Paste Maximum Strength 4 oz.
1- Boudreaux's Rash Protector
1- Boudreaux's Baby Kisses Lip Balm
1- Boudreaux's Baby Butt Smooth Ointment
1- Boudreaux's Body Wash & Shampoo
1- Boudreaux's Butt Paste Baseball Hat (Yellow)

You can view this and other items for sale by visiting Boudreaux's Butt Paste®.

Thank you Boudreaux's Butt Paste® for being a Mom Mart sponsor for A Blogtastic Extravaganza 2.0

To win these Boudreaux's Butt Paste®Products as well as other great gear come back August 17-21 for
A Blogtastic Extravaganza!

* All opinions expressed are 100% my own*
 I was not paid or compensated in any way for this post.

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