Thursday, September 27, 2012

Making a date night possible with the Avengers Augmented Reality App #MarvelAvengersWMT #CBias

Shopping can get a little tedious when you are taking little ones into the stores with you. Usually when I go shopping I do it during snack time. This way I can pack a snack and a juice and hope that is enough to keep my children occupied for a quick trip to the store. Unfortunately, more often than not when the snacks are done so is the shopping trip.

Needless to say, I am always looking for ways to keep the kiddos entertained while shopping. They are always ready for an adventure and as a result I have tried to make our shopping trips more interactive and fun for them. Sometimes we go on a treasure hunt for a particular product {usually the last item that makes it in the shopping cart} and other times we play letter games throughout the store. With release of The Avengers movie my entire family has been very interested in costumes and super heroes.

While both of my boys love capes and helmets and super heroes, my husband and I are the true geeks of the family. We are all about gizmos and gadgets and love our Apps. We were both into comics when we were younger and love Marvel! We have seen Thor, Iron Man, The Hulk, and Captain America and loved them all! Since we missed seeing The Avengers in theaters I knew that it was a movie that we needed to purchase and when I saw on iTunes that there was an app for that I was quick to download it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

#WW: A Family Day at The Museum of Science and Industry!

This Monday the family and I all jumped in the minivan and headed into the city for some hand on fun at the Museum of Science and Industry. I had mentioned before just how much fun this museum is when my husband and I took our oldest. This time we brought the baby with us… although I don’t know if I can still call him a baby now that he is almost 18 months old {wow – time flies!}. Anyhow, here are some pictures from our day. It was fabulous and I cannot wait to take them back!
W lifting weights at the MSI

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Restaurant inspired dip made at home with Kraft #AnythingDressing

I have a family full of little dippers… No, not like the stars in the sky. My little boys love to dip anything and everything in dip. It is how I get them to eat their vegetables and their protein. If I want them to eat it, there needs to be a dip for it. Where there is a dip, there is a way!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My first DSLR Photo Shoot

I have had a DSLR camera on my wish list for quite some time. Unfortunately I do not own one. Somehow something always seems to come up that requires the money I set aside for one to be used on something else. Go figure. So I decided to borrow one for a test run.

No, there is no magical camera place that allows you to borrow equipment – as far as I know. Please let me know if you hear of such a place!  My father bought a DSLR Cannon Rebel a couple years ago and I am taking his camera and lenses on a test drive. Here are some pictures from my first DSLR Canon Rebel photo shoot.

DSLR Canon Rebel Kids Photo Shoot

Monday, September 17, 2012

2012 Holiday Gift Guide Submissions

2012 Holiday Gift Guide
I cannot believe that the holidays are right around the corner. Of course when it comes to Christmas I am like a little kid. I love everything about the holidays, from the decorations and music right down to shopping for the perfect gift.

This year I am really excited to be putting together a holiday gift guide with some of my blogging best friends! There will be five blogs all working together on one gift guide. What does this mean? Mom Mart will be working with Amanda from Coping with Frugality, Amy from MI Savings Mama,  Kay from The More The Merrier, and Mimi from Woven by Words to provide one seriously awesome 2012 Holiday Gift Guide!

2012 Holiday Gift Guide Submissions are open!
Don’t miss your chance to have your products featured!

10 Mosquito Bite Itch Relief Tips & Tricks

10 Mosquito Bite Remedies - Mom Mart

As the weather turns cooler I find myself spending and more time outdoors. Unfortunately, the mosquitoes seem to find me too.  I must give off some kind of signal to these little buggers because they always seem to find me. I get bitten A LOT! I don't mean one or two bites... My entire legs are covered in bites from front to back twice over.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Summer Spending Spree!

I feel like this summer has been the summer of spending in our home.  

This year we bought a new house and needed to purchase a new washer and dryer. Sears had an amazing deal going on an LG set at the time and we got an amazing deal. Once we got settled into our new home we discovered that we had a fabulous patio and we really wanted to utilize that outdoor space to the best of our ability with a new patio dining set. Once again Sears had a great deal going and we took full advantage. This summer I also bought my husband a new Kenmore grill from Sears for Father’s day {he loved it}.
LG Washer & Dryer from SEARS

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Asian Flavor Dinner with Sesame Broccoli Recipe #FrozenFavorites

There are many nights throughout the year that I don’t have to make a huge production of dinner. On nights that my husband has a meeting or a game to go to I don’t want to spend all day in the kitchen making a full blown meal for myself. That would just be ridiculous. Needless to say, I am always on the lookout for quick and simple healthy meals and side dishes. One of my favorites is the sesame broccoli recipe.

Sesame Broccoli

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

#WordlessWednesday: My Child Models.

My mother-in-law is a real estate agent and a darn good one at that. She has helped us buy and sell homes and we are so thankful for her expertise. Recently she decided she wanted to use pictures of her grandchildren in her advertising. I thought it was a great idea. After all, both of my boys know how to ham it up.

Sandy Sold It

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept 11th

I knew today was the 11th of September when I woke up this morning, but it wasn’t until I opened my Facebook account that I really realized that today was SEPTEMBER 11th.

Every time I look at pictures or read stories about September 11th my heart goes out to those who lost their lives in this tragedy. My heart goes out to the family and friends, who survived, yet had their entire world crash down on them with their loss.

Moving forward is never easy, especially in the face of such heartbreak. But I am filled with hope and optimism for the future.

Words cannot express my appreciation to all of those police officers, firefighters, armed forces, and all of the unsung heroes who keep our country safe on a daily basis.

Thank you.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Yes, I admit it. I messed up.

I messed up.

Yup, I said it. I completely messed up. No one to blame but myself.

So what did I do? What’s the big deal?

Friday, September 7, 2012

A technology savvy home is easy with Venstar!

Venstar ColorTouch Thermostat

We are a technology savvy family and love our gadgets and gizmos as much as the next tech head… Okay, maybe a little more. My husband especially loves to be technologically advanced when it comes to running our home. It also allows us to run a more efficient home, which makes me happy!

So what is this technology savvy product that I am so excited about?  Let me introduce you to my new best friend the Venstar ColorTouch (T580.0) High Resolution Digital Thermostat.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our LeapFrog Touch Magic "Rock 'n Learn" Party #LeapFrogTouchMagic

W playing the LeapFrog Touch Magic Rockin’ Guitar

Earlier this month the boys and I threw a party. I had been promising them something fun for a while and when the opportunity to try out some new LeapFrog products arose we decide it was the perfect time to throw a little soirée. We invited some friends over for some healthy food, some fun activities, and a jam session with the new #LeapFrogTouchMagic Rock ‘n Learn toys.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

#WW: Camping out in the living room!

Do you remember being a kid and building forts? Did you ever get to set up a tent in your living room just for giggles? Today I let my kids have an indoor camp out. Perfect for this rainy day!

MONSTERS, INC. is returning to U.S. theatres for the first time in 3D on December 19th!

Sure blame the guy with ONE EYE! – Every time my son spies Mike Wazowski he shouts this at the top of his lungs. Needless to say we are very excited about Monsters Inc. returning to theaters!
Monsters Inc.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Potty Training made easy with the Kohler Transitions Toilet Seat

Kohler Transistions Toilet Seat

Recently I shared with you that my three year old son is now successfully potty trained. I also shared with you our bathroom update on our home makeover project. What do these have in common? The answer is a toilet seat. Not just any old toilet seat either… Nope, I am talking a Transitions toilet seat by Kohler.

So what makes the Kohler transistions toilet seat so special?

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