Sunday, July 31, 2011

No Rules Social Media Monday Blog Hop #4

Join Mom Mart every Monday for a Twitter, Facebook, & Blog Hop!

This social media hop is designed to create more traffic, more followers, and more unique page views for your blog, twitter, and Facebook pages & to help you meet other amazing bloggers.

It is all about sharing and having fun!
While it is not required, it would be appreciated if you could spread the word about the Social Media Monday Hop by grabbing the button for your blog. Feel free to also send out a blog post, a tweet, or share the news on Facebook! After all, the more people that participate, the more blog traffic and potential followers there are.

* Each week I will be spotlighting one participating blog*

The blogger will be chosen via from the list of bloggers participating in the hop
This Week’s Hop Spotlight is being shined on:



Please take a moment to check out NC Sue’s awesome blog.
IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING is a personal blog that shares insights and opinions about everyday life as well as recipes and faith!

Here is how you can join:

1. Link up your blog URL (example:

2. Link up your Twitter URL (example:

3. Link up your Facebook Fan Page URL


PLEASE make sure you are placing the correct URL in the correct hop!

Follow as many blogs, Facebook fan pages, and Twitter accounts as you like and when they follow you, follow them back.

Leave a comment on their Blog & Facebook page telling them that you are new followers from the Social Media Monday Hop so they can follow you back

Please remember to return every week as the link list will start over each week. With that being said, the link list will be open from Sunday evening through Monday evening at 11:59pm.

Please only “Like” Facebook fan pages from your personal page as fan likes don’t count towards your total followers.


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I love my fancy shmancy coffee maker, my wonderful Tassimo!

 I would like to introduce you to my new Tassimo.
Say hello to my new best friend.

My New Tassimo Coffee Maker

I have said it before and I will say it again; I love coffee.

Unfortunately I am not very good at making coffee. The coffee grounds always seem to plan a hostile takeover of my coffee pot whenever I am in charge of preparations.  I am left with sad coffee and a mouthful of yuck. My husband, bless him, makes me a half pot every morning before he heads off to work. If he forgets or has to take a to go cup of coffee in the morning I am left with no caffeinated happiness in a cup. I found a solution to this unfortunate problem. I needed a one cup coffee maker that was me-proof, something even I couldn't mess up.

My husband’s grandmother was given a fancy shmancy Tassimo coffee maker and never used it. Since I have cut down on the amount of coffee I drink, much to the dismay of everyone who encounters me in the morning, I thought I would give the Tassimo a go. My fabulous mother-in-law asked her mother if we could have the Tassimo. Viola!  I am now the proud owner of a fancy shmancy Tassimo coffee maker. Thank you Grandma!

Friday, July 29, 2011

A.B.E. 2.0 Sponsor Spotlight – Bright Starts

 A.B.E. 2.0

A Blogtastic Extravaganza is just a few short weeks away and I am super excited about all of my amazing sponsors and their generous donations for this event. Today’s sponsor spotlight is Bright Starts! As a mother of two boys my home has become toy central. I can’t seem to help myself, when I am out shopping and I see a cute toy I buy it; especially if the toy is innovative and affordable. Bright Starts toys are my go-to toy to engage and entertain my baby.

Friday Fun Pic: Week 12

One of my favorite things to do is sit back relax and watch my children entertain themselves. I find it highly amusing to watch them discover things and to see their imaginations at work. One of my all time favorite activities to watch my kids partake in is the classic doorway Johnny Jumper. Although there are several companies that now make this gadget, and I am sure they are no longer called “Johnny Jumpers”, this is a classic baby activity for a reason. Kids seem to go crazy over this gizmo. As soon as my son’s feet hit the floor he is all smiles. He loves to bounce around and I love to watch him.

Baby boy in Jumper

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Product Review: Bright Starts Cuddle & Soothe Blanket

 Steven holding his Cuddle & Soothe BlanketMy son Steven is almost four-months-old. This means that anything and everything somehow finds its way into his mouth. While he is not big on the whole pacifier scene, he loves to soothe himself by nibbling on his hands, his pacifier clip, and now his Cuddle & Soothe Blanket.

This blanket is fantastic. It is not just a piece of soft fabric; although the fabric is incredibly soft with an adorable design to boot. Nope, this blanket has two teethers sewn into the blanket corners. They are not teeny tiny teethers either. These teethers are large and in charge. They come in two different colors with different texture designs on each one.

My little guy loves this blanket. He holds onto this blanket like a man in a desert would hold onto a canteen of water. It might be the variety of textures that entertains him so, or it could be the bright colors. Either way, he love to play and cuddle with this blanket.

Product Review: Bright Starts Cuddle & Soothe Blanket

Bright Starts: Cuddle & Soothe Blanket
My son Steven is almost four-months-old. This means that anything and everything somehow finds its way into his mouth. While he is not big on the whole pacifier scene, he loves to soothe himself by nibbling on his hands, his pacifier clip, and now his Cuddle & Soothe Blanket.

This blanket is fantastic. It is not just a piece of soft fabric; although the fabric is incredibly soft with an adorable design to boot. Nope, this blanket has two teethers sewn into the blanket corners. They are not teeny tiny teethers either. These teethers are large and in charge. They come in two different colors with different texture designs on each one.

My little guy loves this blanket. He holds onto this blanket like a man in a desert would hold onto a canteen of water. It might be the variety of textures that entertains him so, or it could be the bright colors. Either way, he love to play and cuddle with this blanket.

The Bright Starts Cuddle & Soothe Blanket is Mom Mart Approved!
What we love about the Cuddle & Soothe Blanket:
  • The fabric used to make this blanket is incredibly soft. I want to cuddle with this blanket!
  • There are TWO teethers on this blanket. This is a big deal for us because when one side gets all slobbery and gooey, we can flip it around and start again.
  • The colors are bright and eye catching. My son will track this blanket everywhere I move it. This makes for hours of play time.
  • There are a variety of tactile experiences available with this blanket. There are ribbons to play with, satin lining on one side, teethers in two corners, and the blanket itself feels like some kind of soft minky fabric.
  • There is a loop attached to one end so that this blanket can be attached to pretty much anything. Right now mine is looped through the pacifier clip on our activity swing so it doesn’t get tossed out.

My son with his Bright Starts cuddle & Soothe Blanket

The Cuddle & Soothe Blanket can be found at BrightStarts 

Thanks so much to Bright Start for providing me a sample product for my review.
Opinions expressed are 100% mine!

Bright Starts is one of my sponsors for A Blogtastic Extravaganza 2.0.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sleep Training, a full night’s sleep!

baby sleeping in his crib

Within the last month we have been working on sleep training our new baby, Steven. We use the Ferber Method for baby training.  If you are unfamiliar with this terminology, it is also known as the crying it out method of sleep training. It involves letting your baby cry for a set periods of time before offering alternative comfort (i.e. mommy and daddy cuddles). We are trying to teach our baby to self soothe.

I think a large part of his ability to sleep at night is dependent on his ability to nap during the day. I have noticed that if Steven is able to nap well during the day he sleeps well at night. If it has been one of those days, where Steven has fought sleep tooth and nail, sleeping at night is made up of short little bursts of sleep and wakefulness. So sleep training is an all day activity.

Product Review & Giveaway: Anti Monkey Butt

*This giveaway is CLOSED. A winner has been chosen.*
*WINNER: Amanda Larson*

Anti Monkey Butt

My son using the Safari TowelsI have said it before and I will say it again, we are an on the go type of family. My boys love to be outside and during the summertime that means we sweat. I don’t think that it would be too bad, if we didn’t play so hard. From the moment my son’s feet cross the threshold he is off and running. My family not only plays hard all day long, we get down in the dirt to play too. My toddler is 100% boy 24/7.

I was offered the opportunity to test and review the Anti Monkey Butt Powder, the Ladies Anti Monkey Butt Powder, and the Safari Towels. When I opened the package and took out the products I had a good laugh. I mean, seriously… There is a cartoon monkey with huge red buns smiling a mile wide smile while applying powder to his rear end. What is there not to giggle about? Needless to say, the little kid in me had a good chuckle. Then the mom in me came out to play as I took a closer look at the packaging information and directions. A funny thing happened; I started to get excited about trying this product out on my toddler.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cloth diapers versus disposable diapers

                                Apple Cheeks Cloth DiaperOR   Disposable Diaper

Recently I have started to toy around with the idea of making the switch from disposable diapers to cloth diapers.

I love the convenience of throwing away the dirty diaper and putting on a new clean diaper. I like that I don't have to carry soiled stinky diapers around wherever I go. The idea of having to handle my children's poop any more than I already do does absolutely nothing for me.

On the other hand, I like the idea of doing my part to be more green. I like that there is a onetime investment in purchasing cloth diapers; as opposed to buying them every week at the grocery store at $18-$30 a pop per child. I could handle the extra load of laundry. Although, when I broached this subject with my husband he called me a hippie. I am open to being a little bit of a hippie; they are pretty laid back people, right? I could use a little more laid back in my life.

Here is my dilemma, I know little to nothing about cloth diapering. I hear terms like shells, disposable inserts (doesn't this defeat the purpose of cloth diapering?), and snappi and I shake my head in complete confusion. If I switch to cloth, what do I do at night time? Am I going to spend my life in my laundry room washing soiled diapers, clothing, and bedding? To top it off there are like forty million cloth diaper companies out there. Which do I chose?

There are pros and cons to both cloth diapers and disposable diapers. While purchasing disposable diapers is quick and effortless, cloth diapering takes much more effort and research.

I am open to the idea of cloth diapering; I just don't know where to begin. I guess I will have to spend a little more time reading and researching all about cloth diapers before I am willing to part with my disposables. Feel free to share your thoughts, opinions, and experiences.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

No Rules Social Media Monday Hop #3

Join Mom Mart every Monday for a Twitter, Facebook, & Blog Hop!

This social media hop is designed to create more traffic, more followers, and more unique page views for your blog, twitter, and Facebook pages & to help you meet other amazing bloggers.

It is all about sharing and having fun!
While it is not required, it would be appreciated if you could spread the word about the Social Media Monday Hop by grabbing the button for your blog. Feel free to also send out a blog post, a tweet, or share the news on Facebook! After all, the more people that participate, the more blog traffic and potential followers there are.
* Each week I will be spotlighting one participating blog*

The blogger will be chosen via from the list of bloggers participating in the hop starting July 18 2011
This Week’s Hop Spotlight is being shined on:

Peace Love & Poop
Peace Love and Poop

Please take a moment to check out her awesome blog. Peace Love & Poop is a blog that shares family friendly experiences as well as product reviews and giveaways!

Here is how you can join:

1. Link up your blog URL (example:

2. Link up your Twitter URL (example:

3. Link up your Facebook Fan Page URL


PLEASE make sure you are placing the correct URL in the correct hop!

Follow as many blogs, Facebook fan pages, and Twitter accounts as you like and when they follow you, follow them back.

Leave a comment on their Blog & Facebook page telling them that you are new followers from the Social Media Monday Hop so they can follow you back

Please remember to return every week as the link list will start over each week. With that being said, the link list will be open from Sunday evening through Monday evening at 11:59pm.

Please only “Like” Facebook fan pages from your personal page as fan likes don’t count towards your total followers.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A.B.E. 2.0 Sponsor Spotlight – TheGigglingE

A.B.E. 2.0, A Blogtastic Extravaganza

I am a huge fan of the online handmade marketplace known as Etsy. It is a fabulous place to buy and sell handmade or vintage items. People create online stores where they showcase and sell their creations. Some of these shops even go as far as to offer custom ordering services. One shop in particular peaked my interest, TheGigglingE. I kept finding myself returning to this particular shop to check out the marvelous mom bags; otherwise known as the Diva Diaper Bag. This shop sells a number of items aside from the Diva Diaper Bag, so if you are not in the market for a diva-licious diaper bag stop by and take a look at some of the other items available.

TheGigglingE is Mom Mart Approved!

Q&A with the owner of TheGigglingE, Dana Griffin:

Mom Mart: Where did the name TheGigglingE come from?
Dana Griffin: The company name is a tribute to our son’s vivacious character – our ever-giggling E.

Mom Mart: How long have you been creating fabulous infant accessories?
Dana Griffin: I've been sewing for several years, but selling on Etsy for about 3 years now. 

Mom Mart: Which infant accessory is your favorite to create and why?
Dana Griffin: I have to say that my favorite item can vary from year to year.  My current favorite is my Diva Diaper Bag and the matching Micro Diva Doll Diaper bag.  I have such an addiction to fabric that it’s a delight to select gorgeous new fabrics and assemble them into these customized bags for Mommy's and their daughters!

Mom Mart: What is in your diaper bag?
Dana Griffin: At most given times my diaper bag carries, a backup pull up and wipes case for my littlest one potty training.  It holds a change of clothes, sanitizing wipes, my daughters Epipen and Benadryl, my wallet, lip balm, hand lotion, kid sunglasses, and of two sippy cups.  You can see why I created such a large sized bag! 

TheGigglingE shop has been kind enough to donate the Mini Diva Diaper Bag to the A.B.E. 2.0
“Diaper Bag” prize package!

Polynesian Vacation Diva Diaper BagPolynesian Vacation Diva Diaper Bag

Polynesian Vacation Diva Diaper Bag

This chic diaper bag is ideal for your diapering baby duty or as your carry-all mom purse. Designed with a sturdy flat bottom and stiff sides your bag will sit upright on its own and allow easy access to all your interior and exterior items. This specific bag design features two end pockets with elastic, a perfect fit for bottles, sippy cups or your own beverage! This bag also has one large exterior pocket on the back side and two separate pockets located on the front. Additionally, the interior has adorably coordinated lining and includes another large pocket. 

The Mini Diva Diaper Bag measures approximately 12 inches wide, 10 inches tall and 7 inches deep. This specific design features two shoulder straps approximately 23 inches long and is listed at $63.00USD.

You can view this and other items for sale by visiting their shop at TheGigglingE
Stay connected with Dana Griffin and up to date on all her fabulous products
via Facebook and Twitter 

Thank you TheGigglingE for being a Mom Mart sponsor for A Blogtastic Extravaganza 2.0

Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby Wearing Dad

My family recently took a trip to Blackberry Farm. Blackberry Farm is a fun and inexpensive park that is geared towards young children. My husband and I, our children, my mother-in-law and father-in-law all got into the park for $21. There is surprisingly a lot to do. 

There is a carousel ride, train ride, hay ride, pony ride, live animals to look at, picnic areas, and five living history museums. This was my first visit to Blackberry Farm and I was pleasantly surprised by all that they had to offer. We did everything and some things twice.

In this picture my husband is “baby wearing” our son Steven while we ride the hay ride. This was a fun activity for our whole family; we will definitely be doing this again. Thank you Gammy and Papi for this fun excursion.

dad babywearing son

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My child and HIS iPad.

I received the original iPad as a Mother’s day/birthday gift last year from family and friends. This gadget has provided countless hours of entertainment for me. My husband and toddler love it as well. Each member of the family has their own “page” of apps that were specifically downloaded with each person’s personality and preferences in mind.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I found my microwave safe and dishwasher safe toddler tableware!

Recently I posted about the difficulty I was having finding dishes for my toddler. I wanted dishes that could be used in the microwave to reheat food and that could be cleaned in the dishwasher without melting and warping. I also wanted them to be non-breakable (plastic as opposed to porcelain or glass). This was apparently a lot to ask of a set of children's dishes.

I had some great comments and suggestions on where to look from readers-thank you.

I was on a mission. I looked at Target, Meijer, Wal-Mart, and finally Babies-R-Us. Babies-R-Us had a huge selection! Much more than any other store I visited.

I was able to walk into Babies-R-Us, locate the cups, plates, and bowls section of the store, and find exactly what I needed within minutes. It was fabulous!

Want to know what I found?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Car seat safety with an expiration date?

Car seats expire. This is news to me!

I had no idea that there was an expiration date on car seats until I needed to buy a new car seat for my oldest son. I have two boys; a two-year-old and a three-month-old baby. The car seats that I currently own will be unsafe for future children to use. This means that I will have to purchase more car seats. AAaaakkk!

I don’t know about you, but I am not made of money. And unless I am mistaken money has not started growing on trees. Car seats are not cheap. In fact, if you want to purchase a car seat that has been quality tested and received great reviews you are looking at spending anywhere from $100-$300 and up. There are $50 car seats out there, but they offer the bare minimum basics and have received mixed reviews. Since car seats are required by law until the age of 8, there is no getting around purchasing at least one if you are a parent.

Car seats are an investment. As a parent, I want the best car seat I can afford for my child. I want the peace of mind that my child is safe when I buckle him into his car seat. The idea that if my car seat is expired I am essentially buckling my child into a death trap terrifies me.

I recently found out that a used car seat that I purchased was expired when I bought it! WHAT!
(Insert finger wagging and head shaking here)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

No Rules: Social Media Monday Hop #2

Join Mom Mart every Monday for a Twitter, Facebook, & Blog Hop!

This social media hop is designed to create more traffic, more followers, and more unique page views for your blog, twitter, and Facebook pages & to help you meet other amazing bloggers.
It is all about sharing and having fun!

While it is not required, it would be appreciated if you could spread the word about the Social Media Monday Hop by grabbing the button for your blog. Feel free to also send out a blog post, a tweet, or share the news on Facebook! After all, the more people that participate, the more blog traffic and potential followers there are.

* Each week I will be spotlighting one participating blog*
The blogger will be chosen via from the list of bloggers participating in the hop.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Product Review & Giveaway: Prefense

*WINNER: Clarissa Neiding*

Prefense Hand Sanitizer Review AND Giveaway

Let me start out by saying that I am a hand sanitizer enthusiast! I have two little boys, a toddler and a newborn. I always carry hand sanitizer. You simply never know what kids are going to get into. And my toddler is 100% boy. He likes to play in the dirt, check out bugs, pick up sticks, and run wild whenever possible. I frequently request for people to sanitize their hands before touching my newborn. I do not want my baby to catch something and get sick. I am always more than happy to share my hand sanitizer with others.

I was recently given a sample of Prefense hand sanitizer to test and review. After looking at their website and reading about their products, I was thrilled to accept the opportunity.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Fun Pic: Week 10

Once again it is time to start taking old baby items out of storage for the new baby to use. And once again my son reclaims ownership over the forgotten toys. This week’s picture is of my son William trying to fit into his old exersaucer. He is obviously too big for it and yet this is not a deterrent for him at all. Even though he gets stuck in the exersaucer and needs help to get out, he continues to finagle his way into the toy. Whenever one of the old baby toys comes out of storage William wants to be reacquainted with the toy, and he doesn’t want to share. I mean really… you want to lay on the play-mat and stare at a mirror and a picture of a duck? This is entertaining for you? Great! I can save myself some cash by simply rotating out your current stash of toys.

toddler squeezing in an exersaucer

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Who needs a stairmaster when you are sleep training a baby?

My husband and I have stated to sleep train our infant.

Steven is now three month old and a sleep schedule is stating to emerge. Say it with me... Hooray! Mama needs some sleep. Up until this pointSteven has been sleeping in his pack and play right next to ME. Now we are transitioning him into his crib. Although it is very stressful for me, it has to be done.

No more sleeping in the activity swing. No more sleeping in the bouncer seat. Sleepy time will be taking place in the crib. I am running up and down my stairs twenty times a day! I go from my basement to the second floor and back each and every time. By the end of sleep training my gluteus maximus should be in the best shape ever.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Blogtastic Extravaganza


I just found out that my blog was accepted to participate in A Blogtastic Extravaganza (A.B.E 2.0)! This awesome event will be starting August 17th at 12:00AM EST and running until August 21st at 11:59PM EST.

I am so excited about this! This is a great way to expand readership, to make new bloggy friends, and to offer current readers lots of FUN and GIVEAWAYS! Who doesn't love giveaways?

There will be 100 elite blogs. Each will be hosting awesome giveaway packages. Each prize package will be worth at least $50.

Readers will be able to jump from blog to blog and enter all of the giveaways on all of the participating blogs. This is a Huge 5 day event!

My blog theme is "Diaper Bag" and I am looking for sponsors. If you would like to be a sponsor please email me at MomMart(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Making new mommy friends

I have come to discover as I get older that making new friends is not as easy as it used to be.

When I was growing up my family moved around a lot. When I say a lot, I mean A LOT! Before the age of eighteen I had moved seven times and attended seven different schools.  Those are all the moves I remember... There could have been more. My family was very mobile and we went where there were job opportunities. Needless to say I adapted and learned early on how to make friends. Whenever we moved to a new town my little sister and I would go door to door asking neighbors if they had any children we could play with.

As an adult, this type of behavior seems a little inappropriate. Can you imagine a grown adult scouring the neighborhood, going door to door asking for friends? A little creepy right?

When I became a mom I decided to stay at home with my children. Although I love being a stay at home mom, this job is not for everyone. Some people go stir crazy. Some people have to have the daily dose of adult interaction. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a working mother

I don’t know about you but when I became a mommy it became a lot more difficult to get together with my old friends and even more difficult if they didn’t have any kids of their own. When I became a stay at home mommy I found myself feeling a little lost and somewhat alone. I needed to make other mommy friends, people who I could relate to and bounce ideas off of.

If going door to door was out of the picture, how was I as a new mommy going to make new mommy friends?

  • I started going to my local library during their Babies & Tot’s Story Time every week. We would sit and sing and dance and read books. It was great. I met other moms and learned about even more ways to meet other stay at home moms.
  •  I was introduced to by a mother from my library group and decided to give it a try. is an extremely organized way to find local play-groups. There are all different types of groups you can join. I did this until my morning sickness kicked in with my second pregnancy.
  • Now I take my kids to different parks in the area. My kids get to be outside and burn off energy. They also get to interact and socialize with other children. I get to observe other mom’s in action with their children. If I think we have similar parenting styles I will usually start up a conversation with the other mom’s at the park. Recently I was told I was “cool” by another mom at a park. We exchanged telephone numbers and have set up a play date for our kids (yeah right- for us moms).
  • I have also recently made a great mommy friend through my church/in laws (Here is your shout out Joyce). She is fabulous!

Making new friends only gets more difficult as you get older simply because we as adults don’t put ourselves out there as much. We are no longer sitting in a classroom day in and day out. We do not see the same set of people every single day. We have to make more of an effort to maintain relationships. I think putting myself out there and making the effort is worth it.

Some days I want to pull out my hair because my kids are acting crazy and having a bad day. I need to vent to someone who understands. Sometimes I am completely clueless as how to handle a situation and I need to bounce ideas off of someone else who is also living in the trenches. Moms need other mom friends. At least I know I do.

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