This week’s kid craft is all about letting the light shine through. The kids and I were looking for a fun way to really show some seasonal spirit and bring some color into the house. After raiding my cabinets I discovered that (1) I needed to go shopping for more tissue paper and (2) I had a lot of coffee filters on hand. So shock among shocks… we used coffee filters for this project.
The finished product consists of bright and
cheerful pieces of my children’s handiwork that I love to look at, and I hope
my neighbors are enjoying them too. I was a little worried about the artwork
bleeding onto my nice new curtains, so we placed them on windows that did not
have curtains that could be damaged –I would much rather be safe than sorry.
This was a fun indoor activity that we will definitely do again. I foresee this
being the perfect way to get some cheap and easy holiday décor in my home.
How to do it:
the washable tempura paint and dilute it with some water until it is a watery
the watered down paint to the coffee filter with a paintbrush.
the painted coffee filter aside to dry.
the coffee filter is dry you can either cut it into fun shapes or leave it in
the original shape. Next take the washable glue and apply it to the window
where you want the coffee filter artwork to be applied. Once the glue has been
applied you can attach the colored coffee filter by gently pressing it into the
remove the coffee filter artwork use soap and warm water.
cleanup was really easy and the artwork came off without problem (I was a
little worried). My rule of thumb when it comes to art supplies is as long as
it is washable we will give it a try. Completing this activity was just as easy
as any other painting activity we have done previously. The kids really liked
letting their imaginations run wild and I had fun seeing what they came up
Just out of curiosity, are there any art supplies that are on your no-no list?
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