take FOREVER to move from one place to the next. Yes, we have reached the stage
where I am past waddling and have moved up to full fledge pokiness. Oh my
goodness I am getting big. I have been asking my boys to “help” me up whenever
I get up from the sitting position {which they love – my big strong boys both totally
flex their muscles whenever they do this}. It takes me a lot longer to walk {I
use the word walk with humor} from
one place to the next. If it wasn’t so funny I would think it was sad. Thank goodness
I can laugh at myself.
Far Along:
Weeks Pregnant {33 weeks 5 days}
22nd, 2013
or girl:
The bump seems to be growing by leaps and
bounds lately.
Baby Development:
This week baby Julia should weigh a little over 4 pounds and may
have even passed the 17-inch mark. Her skeleton is hardening and she is gaining
weight and losing the wrinkled look. She is also starting to coordinate
breathing with sucking and swallowing. Woo Hoo!
I went to bed last night at 8pm… to be honest; I
have gone to bed at 8pm a lot lately. I am very tired and I am definitely feeling
huge. I know that I am not huge, but the belly is definitely growing and I am
feeling the pressure of carrying this extra weight.
The leg cramps seem to have disappeared, thank
goodness. I will take what I can get.
Currently craving:
No crazy cravings this week. I am still
feeling the fish and plan on cooking up some Cajun catfish again this week.
I am
not avoiding anything.
button status:
She is
a mover and a shaker and although she is not keeping me up all night anymore
she is very active whenever I sit down and after I eat.
I see the doctor next week. We are now seeing
the doctor every other week. I have scheduled my next three appointments in the
hopes of getting a good time slot to see the doc.
baby related purchases?:
I bought fabric for the nursery.
I have decided to try my hand at making a quilt and bed skirt for baby Julia
myself. I wanted something pink and yellow with blue and orange mixed in and I
found it. It is bright and girly without being obnoxious {in my humble opinion}
and I cannot wait for my basement to be finished so I can set up my little
sewing station and get to work on it.
Did you have a DIY nursery at all and if so
what did you make?