This is shaping up to be a pretty cold winter
here in Illinois and I have been trying to come up with some new things for my
kids to do. We have the standard rainy day activities that we can always fall
back on if necessary, but I have been trying to embrace winter and incorporate
it into some fun new activities for
my family to try out. I wanted to do something other than build a snowman or
create a snow fort or have a snow fight. So I put on my thinking cap on and
started brainstorming in color! A game of hide-and-go-seek with colored ice
marbles sounded like something my children could definitely get in to. So the
boys and I got busy making ice marbles, and they had just as much fun making
them as they did playing with them once they were ready!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
How to make ICE Marbles: A hands on activity for children #CraftsForKids
How to make ICE Marbles: A hands on activity for children #CraftsForKids
Laura Grace Andry
#CraftsForKids|#DIY|#KidCraft|crafts for kids|Food Coloring|homemade|Ice Marbles|indoor activity|Science experiment|
Comments (6)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Perfect for a Pot Luck: Super Simple Deviled Eggs #Recipe
know that deviled eggs are a pretty easy thing to make, but since my deviled
eggs are something I am almost always asked to bring for social occasions and
pot lucks I thought that I would share my recipe with you. It is a pretty simple
straight forward recipe, but it is yummy. I never seem to have any left over at
the end.
Perfect for a Pot Luck: Super Simple Deviled Eggs #Recipe
Laura Grace Andry
#DeviledEggs|#Recipe|Delicious Dish|deviled egg|Deviled Egg Recipe|deviled eggs|easy appetizer|pot luck|Potluck|recipe|Simple appetizer|
Comments (1)

Monday, January 27, 2014
February Monthly Meal Planning #FreePrintable
month I created a monthly meal plan for my family and I shared with you the
free printable. I created a menu for my family that detailed what we planned on
eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole month. It was really nice
not having to come up with a menu each and every week. I simply referred to my
monthly meal plan and planned accordingly. Since the January monthly meal plan
was so easy to follow I got a head start on my February Monthly Meal plan. I am
happy to be able to share that with you today.
February Monthly Meal Planning #FreePrintable
Laura Grace Andry
February Menu|February Monthly Meal Planning Menu 2014|Free Printable|Meal Planning|Monthly Meal Planning Menu|Monthly Menu|organize|Simplify|
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Winter Wonderland Of Babies #Giveaway
A Winter Wonderland Of Babies Event Is HERE!
We get to CELEBRATE all the new babies in our lives!
Some great blogging friends of mine have put together an amazing prize package. Joy Of Momma Joyner and Mama On A Green Mission are both welcoming their 3rd babies in the next few weeks! Along with a wonderful group of bloggers, they want to offer ONE WINNER an awesome Prize Package full of great items for Mama, Baby, and even for Siblings!
The Prize Package Includes:
Winter Wonderland Of Babies #Giveaway
Laura Grace Andry
baby gear|BabyGear|Event|giveaway|Win|winter wonderland of babies|
Comments (3)

Saturday, January 25, 2014
A Very Minnie Mouse Birthday Party #DisneySide
my nice turned three and to celebrate she had a Minnie Mouse themed birthday
party. My sister-in-law put on her crafty hat and got to work making
decorations and favors and I must say that she did an outstanding job. She had
fun games and treats for the children to play and my boys thoroughly enjoyed
A Very Minnie Mouse Birthday Party #DisneySide
Laura Grace Andry
#DisneySide|Disney birthday party|Disney themed party|Mickey Mouse|Mini Mouse|Mini Mouse Themed Birthday Party|
Comments (7)

Friday, January 24, 2014
Fitness Friday Building a Fitness Routine #FitMom
healthy and getting fit are choices that you make throughout the day and they are not always easy. Will you eat the apple or the potato chips? Will you drink the water or the soda pop? Will you exercise or sit on the coach? Don’t get me wrong, there are days that I would love nothing more than to sit on the sofa with a good book. But eating the potato chips, drinking the soda, and sitting on the couch are not going to help me reach my fitness goals. Building a fitness routine and choosing a healthy active lifestyle will. It is a conscious choice that I make every day.
choices are not always simple and I am by no means perfect. There are some days
that I choose to each a yummy sandwich instead of a salad. I log my calorie
intake and work to better myself each day. The goal is to continue to better
myself. The only way that I know how to better myself is to keep track of how I
am doing and to go from there. One way that I make sure to meet my daily fitness
goal is to carve out time each day to workout. By doing this every day I am
more likely to successfully complete my workout.
Fitness Friday Building a Fitness Routine #FitMom
Laura Grace Andry
30 Day Challenge|Calories|diet|Elliptical|FitBit Flex|fitness|Fitness Challenge|Get Healthy|health|healthy|lose weight|Run|Running|workout|
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Cleaning House and taking names: Reorganization of the storage room.
once in a while I get an itch to clean and organize something. Usually this
means that I tackle the children’s playroom or the family room. This need to
clean can usually be satisfied with a quick once through of the kitchen or a
day spent vacuuming and cleaning carpets. But after spending five minutes in
the storage room looking for some craft supplies I decided a serious
cleaning/organizing/purging session was in order. It was time to simplify.
Cleaning House and taking names: Reorganization of the storage room.
Laura Grace Andry
organization|organize|Organizing|Shelving|Simplify|Storage Room Ideas|Storage Room Organization|Toy Organization|Toy Rotation|
Comments (10)

Friday, January 17, 2014
Fitness Friday getting the hang of the #FitBit
I have
been spending the last few weeks organizing and preparing for the rest of this
year. I have been making plans and setting goals for myself, my family, and my
blog. I have been taking time to hammer out the details of what I want this
year to look like; as a result I have not had the time to really sit down at my
computer to write. After Next week that should change. I have given myself a
little bloggy vacation to get my house in order and to kick-start my goals for
2014. I am feeling much more prepared and excited about this coming year and
all I have planned. I even have a little workout room all set up for myself.
Fitness Friday getting the hang of the #FitBit
Laura Grace Andry
30 Day Challenge|Calories|diet|Elliptical|FitBit Flex|fitness|Fitness Challenge|Get Healthy|health|healthy|lose weight|Run|Running|workout|
Comments (4)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Indoor time with the children {winter break}
to a longer than expected winter break and an extremely cold and wet winter
thus far I have been spending a great deal of time indoors with my children. We
have been hibernating. We have been building a lot of forts and eating a lot of
popcorn. Santa was very nice to us this year and dropped off some fun
electronics for us to play with as well. We have had a lot of pajama days and
enjoyed tons of cuddles… we have also potty trained another child {but that is
a whole other post in itself}. I thought that I would share some of our winter
break photos with you.
Indoor time with the children {winter break}
Laura Grace Andry
#WordlessWednesday|#WW|cabin fever|indoor activities|indoor activities for kids|winter break|WW|
Comments (6)

Friday, January 10, 2014
30 Day Fitness Challenge {Full Body Workout}
I enjoy
being healthy and active, but it can take a little bit of work and I am still
not where I thought I would be 6 months post pregnancy. As a result I am trying
something new. No workout “programs” for now. I am planning on taking on
challenges instead. The goal is to put together 30 day fitness challenges that
I will share with you here. The first one will be a total body workout and will
slowly build durability. Then in coming months I may target specific areas of
the body to focus on. For me, this is a step in the right direction to physical
fitness – a way to get healthy and be active and to reach an attainable goal. While
I hope to lose weight, losing weight is not the primary goal for these fitness
challenges. The primary goal is to get healthy and get fit.
30 Day Fitness Challenge {Full Body Workout}
Laura Grace Andry
30 Day Challenge|abs challenge|arm challenge|cardio|FitBit|FitBit Flex|fitness|Full Body|get fit|healthy|lose weight|squat challenge|thigh challenge|workout|
Comments (53)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Taking a Family Photo
year my mother-in-law requests that we get together for a professional family
photo. She picks out where and when the photo will take place and even plans
what everyone should wear. She hires a family friend to come and take our
picture and we spend time as a family trying to get all the children to look
and smile for the camera at the same time. It is quite entertaining.
year I enjoy pouring over the images and picking out my favorites. My absolute favorite
pictures are usually the ones of the kids, go figure. But this year the one I
was drawn to was the picture of my whole family. I love it!
Taking a Family Photo
Laura Grace Andry
2014 Family Photo|Family Photograph|Family Picture|Kathryn Rose Photography|Kathryn Rose Portraits|
Comments (4)

Monday, January 6, 2014
January Monthly Meal Planning w/ Grocery Template #FreePrintable
week I create a menu for my family that details what we will be eating
throughout the week. I decided what will be for dinner in advance and I do my
grocery shopping accordingly. I have decided that doing this every week has
become a bit tedious. In order to avoid getting into a food rut by eating the
same thing every week, I would create a monthly meal plan for my family. The
monthly meal plan, starting with the January monthly meal plan, will detail
what we will be eating for the whole month for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
January Monthly Meal Planning w/ Grocery Template #FreePrintable
Laura Grace Andry
Free Printable|Grocery Shopping Template|Grocery Template|January Menu|Meal Planning|Monthly Meal Planning Menu|Monthly Menu|
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