This weekend was filled with humidifier refills, games of tissue tag, and nasal aspirator mayhem!
Yup, you guessed it. We have all caught a cold. Well, everyone except my husband who seems to be immune to everything! I guess that should mean that he is in charge of taking care of all of us, right?
My baby boy woke up with a mild fever and a runny nose on Friday and it was all downhill from there. Once one of us has caught something, we all catch it. No if, and, or buts about it!
Of course Friday was the boys’ doctor appointments. Steven had his 6 month wellness visit where he was supposed to get another round of immunizations. William had his 2 ½ year wellness check-up; there were no scheduled shots for him thank goodness. As you may have concluded, there were no shots on Friday.
When your peanut has a fever and his body is already trying to fight off one thing some doctors prefer to wait a while before giving them a round of immunizations. Although, I have heard that if your child has a mild cold there is no need to delay a vaccination. For me personally, I prefer to wait a week or two until my little man is feeling better and will be able to handle the shots and the possible side effects better. This is a very hot topic among moms, beware!