I remember being pregnant and worrying about sibling rivalry. I remember worrying about my rough and tumbly toddler mowing over my newest bundle of joy. I remember being terrified that William would be jealous of his baby brother and turn into an aggressive angry toddler! Needless to say, this did not happen.
My toddler loves his baby brother. William refers to baby Steven as his baby. When Steven goes down for a nap, William asks where his baby is. He likes to know where and what his baby is doing at all times. Ha! Forget about me, I only carried him for nine months and then went through labor and delivery for ten hours to bring Steven into this world. But no, he is William’s baby!
He definitely loves his baby brother. He is already protective of him. When mom or dad say no to Steven William will let us know if he disagrees. He has no problem telling us no. I know that I shouldn’t, but I laugh. I just can’t help myself. I laugh.
My heart melts when I see my two boys playing together. There is nothing better than seeing my toddler go to his baby brother and tell him “its okay baby, its okay” while petting him on the head. William showers Steven with hugs and kisses and checks on him often to make sure he is doing all right. William will get down on Stevens level and play with him, to really interact with him. He will build towers for Steven to knock down and hand the baby toys to play with. It is so unbelievably sweet.
My best friends are members of my family. I was lucky enough to be born into a family that valued family. We were each other’s best friends growing up, and remain close even now as adults. I talk to my mother or one of my siblings every day. The foundation of these relationships started early on and have only grown and strengthened.
We are not perfect; in fact we are far from perfect. But we genuinely love one another and care about how each of us is doing. We bicker and squabble and yell at each other some days. But no matter what we are there for each other.
I pray that my children have this kind of relationship when they grow up. I hope that my boys will continue to be each other’s best friends and protect one another.
For now I am just delighted to be able to watch them as they discover the world and all it brings.
Written by: Laura Andry