My children love to spend time outside playing. They like to climb on our climber, play house in the playhouse, and they absolutely love to ride around the neighborhood on their bikes. My oldest child rides a big boy bike and loves it. My younger son however cannot reach the pedals on his brother’s hand me down tricycle and is usually forced to just run alongside when the bikes come out to play. Kind of sad, isn’t it?
I have tried a couple
different ride-on toy options for my little nugget, but none of them have
really worked out. He seems to be in that awkward in between size that makes the
push/ride-on toys too small for him and the full size trikes and bikes too big.
Joovy sent me the Tricycoo Tricycle to review and I could not be happier with
how this tricycle has worked out for my son.
My little guy can ride around the neighborhood with the whole family now! He loves it and I have to say that I am really quite pleased with it too. What I really love is that it can grow with my child, as it is suitable for children as young as 18 months and can support children up to 44lbs. What my son really loves about the Tricycoo is the fact that it is his favorite color, orange {orangie}.
What we love about the Joovy Tricycoo:
I love that this tricycle can grow with my
child. Thanks to the removable baby surround arms and the moveable footrest I
can use it for baby Julia once she is 18 months old. She will be able to
concentrate on learning to balance by using the footrest for added stability. Right
now with the removable parent push handle my little boy can concentrate on
learning how to pedal while I guide the tricycle. Once my son is confident
enough, I am able to take off the parent push handle and let my little guy do
all the work!
I love the removable parent push handle
because it is not only removable, it is also adjustable. It has 4-positions and is adjustable from 32.5 to 38
inches high. I like this because I like to steer the Tricycoo {I am
rather tall} and so does my oldest son {He is 4 years-old – so he is MUCH
shorter than me}. By adjusting the height, both of us can easily reach and maneuver
the parent push tray.
The bell on the bike was
such a hit with my boys that I had to go online and order a second bell so that
my oldest son could have one on his bike. Seriously.
I am in love with the
bold bright colors of Joovy and the Orangie did not disappoint. As orange is my
son’s favorite color I knew he would like it… He loves it. The Tricycoo comes
in Orangie, Black, Greenie, and Pink.
The rear basket is perfect
for my son, as he tends to hoard toys. He likes to take things with him when he
plays and this allows a safe place for his toys to go while he rides around. He
now tucks his toys in the basket instead of trying to hang on to them while steering
and pedaling his bike.
This tricycle
was really easy to set up and put together. Since it a transitional tricycle
that can change and grow with your child there are pieces that you can either
add or remove depending on which stage your child is ready for. Taking on and
off these pieces {baby surround arms & parent push handle} was really easy.
It took me a minute to figure out how to foot rest, but once I figured it out
{pull down and then back} it was also really easy to operate.
We have
used the Tricycoo around the neighborhood and on longer bike rides with the
children and we love it. The Tricycoo is fabulous. It is the perfect size for
my in-between size son. He can easily reach the pedals and is slowly learning
how to steer and pedal at the same time. I love that I am able to help him
navigate his way while he concentrates on conquering one skill at a time. He
loves that he gets to ride around the neighborhood with his brother. I love
that the whole family is now able to be active together outdoors. I am looking
forward to many fall bike rides with my boys!
Buy It:
You can
find out more about the Joovy Tricycoo Tricycle
by visiting the Joovy Website, checking out Joovy on Facebook, or tweeting Joovy on Twitter.