Saturday, February 18, 2012

Playtime with Dad!

One of my favorite things in life is watching my husband interact with our children. They absolutely adore their father and you can see it in the way they look at him. The feeling is obviously reciprocated.

When my husband walks in the door from a long day at work we rush to the door to great him. It may seem silly, but I think that it is important for the children to be excited about spending time with mom and dad. I know that when I walk in the door from running errands my heart melts when my kids run to me for hugs and kisses.

When dad gets home from work it is a party in our house. I head to the kitchen to make dinner and hubby takes both the kids for some playtime. They play silly games like hide and go seek. They also run around chasing each other and roaring like dinosaurs. Needless to say our home is not a quiet place to visit.

It may not be quiet, but it is usually fun. At least I tend to think so. After dinner is done and the dishes have been cleaned up mom gets to join in the fun too. The noise level usually goes up a decimal. The energy level usually goes up too. The games become more involved and William ends up turning whatever game we are playing into a game of chase. Good times are definitely had by all.

Project 366
Project 366 Day 49 of One Photo A Day

Play Time

Moments like these leave me feeling truly blessed and thankful. What makes you feel blessed?

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